Publications and Posters
The NEMA Scholars program already resulted in multiple publications. In addition, there are others in progress and nearing publication / poster.
High School Students in athletic programs face higher levels of stress compared to university level students in athletic programs : Sindhu Nagarakanti, Malachi Moody, Claudio Pergolizzi, Maria Petko, Domenico Foti, Morgan Wagner, David Lekah
*NEMA Research, United States of America.
Giustino Varrassi. Abstracts of Roma Pain Days 2023. Signa Vitae. 2023.doi:10.22514/sv.2023.040.

Vaping and subsequent comorbidities potentially associated with increased mortality and more severe illness in COVID-19: A narrative review : Blalock, Kyle & Breve, Frank & Varrassi, Giustino & Magnusson, Peter & Pergolizzi, Joseph. (2021). Signa Vitae. 10.22514/sv.2021.113.
COVID-19 pharmacy student perceptions: pharmacists' impact during the COVID-19 pandemic : Zhang, Bryan & Refela, Justina & Breve, Frank & Magnusson, Peter & Pergolizzi, Joseph. (2021). Signa Vitae. 10.22514/sv.2021.208.
The Effect of COVID-19 on Maternal Mental Health and Medical Support : Merlano, Laura Catalina, Sindhu Nagarakanti, Kailyn Mitchell, Charles Wollmuth, Peter Magnusson, and Joseph Pergolizzi. 2023. "The Effect of COVID-19 on Maternal Mental Health and Medical Support" Medical Sciences 11, no. 1: 2.
Effects of Digoxin in Heart Failure (HF) With Reduced Ejection Fraction (EF): Parikh, Riya & Patel, Khushbu & Pergolizzi, Joseph & Breve, Frank & Magnusson, Peter. (2022). Effects of Digoxin in Heart Failure (HF) With Reduced Ejection Fraction (EF). Cureus. 14. 10.7759/cureus.22778
Analgesic Combinations in Fixed and Loose Dose : Joseph Pergolizzi, Michael Spinelli, Peter Magnusson, Frank Breve, Jo Ann K. LeQuang, Laura Catalina Cortes, Amanjot Batra, Giustino Varrassi
Suicide by Opioid : Joseph Pergolizzi, Laura Catalina Cortes, Peter Magnusson, Jo Ann K. LeQuang, Amanjot Batra, Robert Colucci